Many executives and entrepreneurs struggle with the idea of coaching. After all, it’s their independent streak and command-and-control self-discipline that gets them to where they are. But eventually, every C-suite member reaches a plateau – a time when they need to engage an outside expert to help them expand their knowledge and perspective so they can push past their stalled professional growth and reach their next level of success. Josh knows this first-hand. That’s why he hired Larry. Here’s his story….
“One year ago, my business was in a very bad place. My management team controlled me, and our profit levels were at a record low. Things had really spun out of control. I decided to take the reigns back and found support through a seasoned business professional, in a mentorship style structure. I was introduced to Larry, who listened to what was going on, reviewed my company financials, and provided helpful feedback. Together, we identified and targeted areas for significant improvement and started to brainstorm next steps. By focusing monthly on key financial indicators, such as disposal fees and labor, we were successfully able to get back on track towards profitability, in a big way. We also focused on trimming fat at corporate headquarters. I had followed some bad advice before finding Larry, beefing up our management team before we were ready. I had taken a big step back in my involvement in the business. I had also been spoiling some tenured employees. This combination made the office morale and company profitability much lower than it had potential to be. Larry coached me in how to address these personnel issues and over the past year, we got things back on track in a planned, structured fashion.
Not only is Larry a valuable asset when it comes to sharing experience and offering advice, he is also an excellent listener. Beyond all of the issues he helped me process, there was a big benefit to having scheduled, dedicated 2 hour sessions monthly with him. It forced me to take a step back each month, and think more about the big picture. While Larry demanded some structure, requiring an agenda of items to discuss and financials to be provided prior to our talks, he was always wonderfully open and able to hear me out in full. If Larry wasn’t a successful businessman, he could have been a psychologist.
I am very grateful to have met Larry, not only for his professionalism, but because I have gained a friendship that I cherish. When I think of the past year working with Larry, words that come to mind are: experience, support, trust, value and progress. I highly recommend Larry to anyone who is struggling to progress in their business, and could benefit from the support Larry provides.” – Josh Cohen, CEO –
Ready to find new levels of success with your business, like Josh?
Your Next Step
P.S. – Do you need an Outside Director, Advisory Board Member, Trusted Advisor, or Coach? Someone who can help you see your business and your goals through “Fresh Eyes.” Contact me and I will work with you to look at where you want to go and help you find the best way to get there. Sometimes all it takes is someone with a fresh viewpoint, unencumbered by company politics or culture to help find the right solution.
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